Harry Potter
So, I saw Harry Potter 3 while I was in Calgary. I've read the first three books in the series and without a doubt the third one was my favourite. It was much more mature, and didn't have a cop-out ending. The vast majority of reviews for the third film are very positive, calling it the best of the three. The first two were directed by Columbus, with this one being done by Alfonso Cuarón.
Both Barb and I, and I believe my brother too, were not huge fans of this movie, however. I felt like I was watching an action movie, when it really should have been a more suspensefull thriller. I mean it's about a freakin' murderer who has broke out of jail and is loose near the school. Despite what most reviewers say, I didn't really feel this was a "dark" movie. It seemed more like an action / adventure.
The story is very complex, and I'm quite glad I read the book, because otherwise I don't think I would have known what the hell was going on. The movie seems very rushed. I don't know how they'll manage to fit the fourth story into a movie, as it's a much larger book. But it felt like Cuarón glossed over a lot of important things in trying to cover the entire story.
I did like the movie, don't get me wrong. It just didn't live up to the expectations I had from the book and critics' reviews. You should still go see the movie. The actors have really matured. There are great visuals, and Cuarón did a fantastic job with the ending. And if you're like most people, you'll like it more than I did.
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