Thursday, August 12, 2004

My health is a premium

So, I have noticed my monthly pay is now $25 less, and when you make what I make, $25 is a lot. Where does this money go? My income statement doesn't tell me. Ah, they hid it! "They" being not my employer, but the Ontario government. You see Ontario now has healthcare premiums, like the Republic of Alberta. Although they're at least straightforward with it back home. Here it's not even itemized on the statement.

Have I ever mentioned how much I despise healthcare premiums? First of all, what the hell is a "premium" anyway. Let's see - it's money I pay to the government for a service (healthcare). Hmm, I can think of another name for that. It's a tax! Do they think by not calling it a tax they can pretend it's not? If the government needs more money to pay for its services, then be honest and raise taxes. Don't make a non-tax tax.

The biggest reason I hate healthcare premiums, however, is the fact that I don't even use the healthcare system. Seriously I visit the doctor maybe once every two or three years - and even then its not all that helpful. You may recall when I cut my fingertip off I basically fixed it myself. As someone working in the student movement I often hear Canadians complain that they shouldn't have to pay for my education. Well I'm tired of paying for unhealthy people and hypochondriacs! I could be paying $450 in health premiums next year on top of my taxes (and student loan payments), and I cost the system probably $25 a year. By the time I actually do need the healthcare system it'll probably be privatized anyway.

Stupid Ontario.


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