Mr President!
Although from my recent posts it will not surprise you, Terra Incognita officially endorses John Forbes Kerry for President of the United States.
I'm a pretty opinionated person, but I try not to be overly partisan. I don't think someone is stupid, or a bad person for voting Republican, Conservative, Progressive Conservative, Reform, Alliance, etc. I would generally not agree, but would still respect that person. I will say, without hesitation, however, that if you vote for (or support) George Bush you are an idiot. And an ass.
There is no possible way that a rational, intelligent, non-evil person could support George Bush over John Kerry. I could literally write tens of thousands of words why, but I'll try and be more concise, because quite frankly if you're the kind of person who would vote for Bush, your mind will not be swayed by rational argument, or Jesus himself. Nevertheless, I need to rant.
Let's start with the biggie. George Bush could frankly fly to Mars and cure cancer and I still wouldn't let him off the hook for this one. The war on terror. When Bush came into office he and his cronies started slashing Clinton's anti-terrorism programs and budgets. They didn't give a shit about terrorism. They ignored all possible warning signs about September 11th and and undercut any efforts to prevent it.
Then those horrific attacks came, and they didn't give a shit about terrorism. But they gave a big old shit about how they could use terrorism. They tried to figure out how they could pin 9/11 on Iraq literally while the towers were falling. It is now November 2004 and Osama Bin Laden has not been caught - hell, he's still taunting us from videotapes. And Bush is "not concerned" about him. The greatest tragedy to hit the U.S. since Pearl Harbor and Bush didn't even bring Bin Laden down. Americans are driving around with 9/11 memorial bumperstickers and their President hasn't even brought the man who perpetrated the attacks to justice.
That alone should be enough to bring Bush down, but there's more. He lied to the world and squandered the golden surplus of international faith the U.S. had following 9/11. The world went from "we're all Americans" to anti-American as quick as George could form his "coalition" and send Colin out to spread the deception. He was supposedly fighting a war on "terror" and Islamic-fundamentalism, but he turned a secular, weakened country into a hotbed of terror and religious violence. I mean, for Christ's sake, what other person would declare a "war on terrorism" and then go and create a whole new terrorist country? George Bush sent Americans - mostly poor Americans - to die for a useless crusade while spitting on the graves of September 11th victims.
Hundreds of innocent Iraqi civilians died because of Bush. Are any Iraqis safer today? Do any of them have more freedom? I have a friend who will soon be stationed in Iraq. I have hundreds of friends who live with North Korean missiles pointed at them.
But George wasn't stopping there. No, sir. He would manage to do all that while f***ing the economy. That's right, he turned a budget surplus into a trillion-dollar deficit! Tax cuts for the rich during war time! F*** the middle class! Isn't the best thing about conservatives supposed to be that they make small government, a strong economy, and no deficits? F's for all three of those George.
Let's not forget, of course, that the last four years of hell were democratically illegitimate. The Bush family's flunkies in Florida ensured that hundreds of black voters were purged from voting rolls. Hundreds of Jewish votes were recorded for the wrong candidate. And then Katherine Harris (Georges' campaign chair and Jeb's Secretary of State) along with the Supreme Court killed any hope of a recount, leaving thousands of Floridians disenfranchised.
John Kerry isn't the best possible candidate for President. But Bill can't run again. I don't know if John Kerry would be a great President, but he should be a good president. It's nearly impossible for him to be as remotely bad as Bush. He would focus on a true war on terror, and if Congress lets him, turn the country around.
It's insane when I turn on the TV and see otherwise intelligent people backing Bush. Usually it goes something like this, "I know he's not a great President, and I disagree with a lot of what he does, but I think he'll keep us safe."
The idea that people are safer off with Bush as President would be hilarious if it weren't so scary. I can guarantee that Americans would be safer if Clinton were still President. Americans would be safer if Gore had been President the last 4 years. Americans will be safer if Kerry wins. Hell, Americans would probably be safer if Sharpton were President.
Hey Americans, remember that big terrorist attack? It happened while Bush was President. What has he done to make you safer? Created the Department of Homeland Security that he was fighting until September 10th. Now you've got those handy warnings. He sent a bunch of your young men to die in the middle east. He invaded one country to pretend he was going after Bin Laden, but then got bored. Then he invaded Iraq and, well, you know how that's goin'.
Kerry is a war hero. He fought in a real war. Bush calls himself a "war President." Kerry has literally killed people himself to defend Americans. How could you possibly think Kerry won't defend the country, and that you won't be safer with him?
Anyway, enough ranting. Just remember, the only thing more stupid than voting for Bush, is not voting at all.
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