Harper so fat...
So last night I checked Bourque, as I do every once in a while. I don't know why, it's a piece of crap, but it being Ottawa, it's easy to see what the 'hot' stories are from the news sites. In big bold letters I see "DION STOOPS TO FAT JOKES," followed by at least two other headlines about the exact same issue. Oh no, I thought, did he let his semi-famous temper get the best of him? Release some scathing remark about the PM's paunch?
I follow the link to an angry Conservative blog entry. I don't know why Conservatives are always so angry (seriously, he has angry in the name of his blog). You're government now, chill a little. Anyway, the blog says it has evidence of Dion not "exhibiting leadership qualities" (Oh my, Mr. Janke, you've been reading your talking points)and being thin-skinned.
I follow the link to the video. Not content with letting the video speak for itself, the angry Conservative has bluescreened the first part of the video, making sure you are prepared for the incredulity you are about to see. In the video, speaking of Stornoway, Mr. Dion says he has upgraded the exerise room and "My successor, maybe Mr. Harper will have the, the opportunity to lose his overweight now because we have this exercise room."
Oh no he di-in't! No, what?, wait. That's not incredulous at all. My first thoughts upon watching the video were not that Dion was making fat jokes, but that he really needs to work on his casual English. Secondly, he says, "my successor, maybe Mr. Harper" so he wasn't even attacking Harper directly (maybe he thinks all Cons are pudgy?). Clearly he was trying to make a joke vis-a-vis Harper will be back in Stornoway soon. It did not work so well.
I wish Dion had made a fat joke. It would have been more funny. Instead we get a bad joke delivered in poor English. If Conservatives need to jump on something like this perhaps they need some new hobbies (might I suggest pogs?).
Something does clearly need to be done here, though. I cannot let this attempt at a joke stand. If Dion is going to be accused of making fat jokes, then let's help him write some good fat jokes. I will start, but please help me out.
Stephen Harper so fat, when he sit around the caucus table, he sit AROUND the caucus table.
Stephen Harper is so fat, his flatulence is considered a greenhouse gas.
Harper is so fat...he sits on both sides of the House.
Harper is so fat...it's surprising that he can still jump to conclusions.
Why did Steven Harper cancel the One-Tonne-Challenge?
Because he was so embarassed when Rona Ambrose finally told him it wasn't a goal weight!
Harper's so fat, when he asked God to show him the light, God told him to move his fat ass out of the way.
Harper's so fat that when you hear applause as he walks, it's because his butt claps.
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