Thursday, February 15, 2007

What the juice?

So, I'm watching TV and this commercial comes on (as is the style). This weirdo dude starts talking.

My friends, there is a movement in our country to destroy the people that fight for you...

(Soliders? Doctors? Professional Wrestlers?)

...trial lawyers.

What? I'm supposed to feel bad for who now?

The guy went on to describe how he "and John Edwards" have been standing up for Americans (on a similar note, Romeo Dallaire and I have been standing up for Canadians for quite some time). He goes so far as to refer to lawyers as "warriors." What do you call 100 warrriors at the bottom of an ocean?


At 2:16 AM, Blogger Kayla W said...

Any warrior who can afford season boxed seats to the flames game is no warrior I've heard of. Sounds like a lawyer to me.

Hey Toby, you should go be a lawyer.


At 12:22 PM, Blogger Robbie said...

"Amedure vs. Jenny Jones:
Geoffrey took on the media giant Time-Warner and won $25 million for the family of a man killed after a Jenny Jones Show."

True warriors battle the oppressive Jenny Jones.


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