Saturday, March 03, 2007


What if nobody believes in the law? Should police still be asked to enforce it?

Does drug prohibition actually do more harm than drug use? Does enforcing drug laws make hypocrites of us all?

Our primary characters, all current or former law enforcement officers, say that as much as 80% of all felony crime is caused by addiction.

"Legalize, regulate, and tax" is their mantra now: Our heroes believe putting control over every illicit in the hands of criminals is a very bad idea.

Find out what changed them from ordinary cops who enforced the laws as written, into conscientious objectors to the War on Drugs.

I normally avoid watching Global for anything other than Simpsons re-runs, but tonight I was flipping through and they were showing a documentary on their Global Currents program. Damage Done: The Drug War Odyssey makes one of the strongest cases I've ever seen for decriminalizing drugs. Whodathunkit from Global?


At 12:50 AM, Blogger Joanna said...

Interesting choice in blog topic considering. I'm just saying...


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