I seem to come down with an awful cold every April. I thought I was going to avoid it this year, as Barb had one for a while and I didn't catch it, but on Tuesday the cold spontaneously arrived. My head has felt like it is going to explode. Fortunatel the sore throat seems to be gone now as the cold goes through its annual paces. I managed to drug myself up and go out for Caen's birthday last night which was an Honest Lawyer good time. Also, drunk Caen, who doesn't come out all that often (Sober Toby, Joanna, and Phil were there too, who are equally rare).
I wanted to go to Toronto this weekend to visit my Nan, but I believe I am too sick to travel, as I hate that drive at the best of times. Phil is in NY, Sarah is in Vegas, and James is in South America. Toby is jealous. To top it off, Ottawa has decided to drop below zero again.
You should go to the symphony, the violins are particulary good! Maybe they will play you a sympathy song! But yes, in all fairness, I would be jealous of friends off on exotic adventures.
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