Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Monday, October 30, 2006

Song stuck in my head

Not sure what to think of this collaboration or the video, but the song is catchy.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

The Raven

It's that time of year again. My favourite Simpsons sketch ever.

Puppy Diagnosis

So, the puppy has Giardia. Not too serious and she's already on medication. Another vet visit tomorrow though, to get her next round of vaccinations. Unlike me she does not seem to have a problem with needles (show off), and in fact I think she likes going to the vet.

So - car fixed, dog almost fixed, Barb drunk. Check back in with me post-lobbycon.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Apparently it ain't so easy bein' green

I carried my bike up the stairs this morning. So Elizabeth May could take the elevator. To the second floor.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Our car is fixed - the door opens, the signal lights work! Apparently, though the "brakes" needed work, so it cost more than we expected. Boo.

Bush Googles Ranch

George Bush Uses Google Maps

Ok, first of all, "the Google." Hee hee.

Second, the President needs to use Google Maps for satellite surveillance? Um...

Everything is sick

In addition to our sick puppy, our Oldsmobile (no not that Oldsmobile) has been sick lately as well. One of the windows doesn't work and the driver's side door won't open from the outside (very convenient). The kicker came last week though when the signal lights stopped working. So Barb dropped her off at the local French mechanic this morning. Hopefully that doesn't cost too much.

A coworker has brought sick germs into the office, so this morning I loaded up on Cold-FX, Echinacea, and Zinc. Perhaps a placebo-effect immunity boost can keep me from getting sick, which would very much suck right now.

Monday, October 23, 2006


After another (expensive) visit to the vet, we're still not sure what's wrong with the puppy. She has lost a bit of weight, but the vet doesn't think it's too serious. We bought some special canned food that they use in the hospital and when we brought her home she ate it like mad, so hopefully we'll be able to keep her eating for a while now. Her energy level has been good the past little while, and we got some medicine for her, so hopefully she's better soon.

Sick puppy :(

The puppy continues to be sick, needs to go out quite often, and isn't eating much. We went to the vet a week ago and they said it was nothing but to call if it didn't get better. Her temperament has improved - she's not listless anymore - but she's still sick. So back to the vet again today.

Totally crushing

From Paul Wells:
"I would have told any other organization I'm too busy to do a speaker gig. But for CASA I'll do it."

Ottawa: Beautiful 2 months of the year

Yesterday was mis-er-able. 2 degrees and snow, and then the snow turned into rain. Nothing sucks like cold rain. Puppies need exercise though, so we braved the weather and took Echo to one of the big city dog parks. She had fun and the cold didn't seem to bother her, even though she's skinny and short-haired. She must have some lab insulation.

Echo's been sick this past week, which among other things means more frequent trips outside, which means less sleep. Man, I'm tired this morning.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Il neige

It's snowing!

Friday, October 20, 2006


It is a dark day.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Super important update

Like Duncan I am a bad blogger. I've had tonnes of stuff to blog about, but I've been really busy. Actual busy, not the manufactured busy I (and most people) have most of the time. There is one very important thing I haven't posted on yet (although I've told most of you already).

On September 15 I got a puppy!!! As you all know I've been wanting a dog for-ever. We had been regularly checking the websites for the Humane Society and a local rescue foundation, BARK (The Bytown Association for Rescued Kanines). I hoped to help out a dog who needed a home. I was mostly looking at adult dogs, which most rescue dogs are.

Then one day Barb showed me two German Shepard / Black Lab cross puppies on the BARK website, Echo and Billie Jean. We played phone tag for a while with Nadine from BARK and eventually made an appointment to go see Echo - Billie Jean had already been adopted. We fell in love with her right away. She was so friendly, yet pretty calm and gentle for a puppy. We went and adopted her the next day. We took her on the Terry Fox Run with us a couple days later and she walked the whole thing.

We've been having a great time with Echo over the past month. She's growing so fast, and keeping us on our toes. We're getting so much more exercise now. Anyway, if you want to see more photos of her, go here.

Confessions of a Hawk


"What has always attracted me to conservative thought is that it privileges empiricism and experience over utopian ideologies and blind faith. Yet, in the case of the Iraq War and its conduct, this pattern has been turned on its head. More than three years after the war began, many hawks insist it was a triumph. And Rumsfeld, a man who should have lost his job two years ago, remains a figure of awe. "

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Part 2

There was a lot of sloppiness on the part of both teams, but Calgary
came out on top. We had a great time and are now on the way home.
There were tonnes of Flames fans at the game and unlike the lame Sens
fans they didn't leave early.

BlackBlogging the Flames game: part 1

I'm on the bus on the way to the Flames game. There are actually more
Flames fans than Sens fans here.

Go Away!

Barb and I are going to see the Flames at the Senators tonight. It should be interesting, I don't hink I've ever cheered for the visiting team before. Let's hope I don't get jumped.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Back from New York. So tired. Will blog more later.

Monday, October 09, 2006

New York

I'm blogging from a Blackberry so this will be short. We're in New
York right now. Tonight we went to the Empire State Building then
grabbed some drinks.

Tomorrow night I'm going to Letterman and on Tuesday the Daily show!