Friday, July 30, 2004

Blinded by the light

So, I'm currently using our Communications Assistant's computer. She has a 21" monitor. I've often wanted a 21" monitor, but now I'm not so sure. I mean, this thing is huge. I actually have to move my neck around to see different things on the screen. I got yelled at for sitting too close to 14" TVs when I was a kid, and here I am, less than 2 feet from a 21" CRT.

Thursday, July 29, 2004

2400 km

Monday, July 26, 2004


Je vais aller au Moncton. Au revoir.

Friday, July 23, 2004

Sex in a canoe...

As the topic of American beer is on many peoples' minds witht he well thought-out merger of Molson and Coors, I noticed this ad on The Onion:




*Results reflect which beer has More Taste, NOT Preference...

So, just to reiterate. More taste, not preference. So, people didn't actually like Miller Lite, it was just more flavourful. What kind of selling point is that? Would you rather have strong-tasting, shitty beer than mellow, good-tasing beer? Meh, it's all American beer to me.


Must kidnap Bailey.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004


Barb's bike was stolen!

barb's bike

It's a 2002 Kona Cinder Cone with a blue, white, and grey paint job. It has It has Truvativ cranks and a brand new Specialized Women's saddle (not pictured). If you see it, give her a call, or kick the rider's ass.

Sunday, July 18, 2004

No Homers

I have finally finished The Iliad. Thank God! Now I can move on in my book-list. Next up on my fiction list, Vernon God Little.

In other news, I believe I shall bake a cake tonight. And eat it too.

Friday, July 16, 2004

Double Kill

Last night I saw a Kill Bill double feature - Volumes 1 & 2 - at the Bytowne Cinema. If any of you get the chance to see these two movies together on the big screen, I can't reccommend it enough. I had seen Volume 1 three times and numebr 2 only once. They were amazing and it was great to watch them together. My review? 9.5 Toblerone chunks.



This is the most beautiful freakin' mullet I have ever seen:


Click for a story about the coolest judge EVER.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004


U.S. defends 'abstinence first' AIDS policy. In other news, U.S. is an asshat. An ignorant, stupid, murderous asshat.

El mundo es mi hogar

Coolest thing ever.

Monday, July 12, 2004


Dear Alberta,

Now that you are debt free, you will undoubtedly be looking for ways to pay off that debt. Might I suggest you start with a "Toby - debt free" project, as us Tobys, while we have eliminated our deficit, are still deep in debt. We are mostly in debt because we helped you pay off yours by borrowing large amounts of money to pay tuition in your rich province. So, I think it's my turn.


Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Old man Boylan

I think a 70-year-old man just got me drunk...

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

I'm a Big Westerner

Hats off to a national vision
Hats off indeed

Monday, July 05, 2004

neo-con dating?

Wow, I bet you can meet some real hum-dingers on here. Ooh, talk dirty to me about flat taxes and supply-side economics again baby...

Does whatever a spider can

I just got back from watching Spider-Man 2 "virtually" with Barb. Amazing! It was one of the best comic/super-hero movies I've ever seen (Although SM1 was great too). The acting was great and the actors all fit their parts excellently, especially the Bugle staff. Tobey, whom I was a little suspicious about suring the original casting, now fits the part perfectly. The action was great and it was hilarious in a lot of parts, which is how a Spider-Man movie should be. The movie really took advantage of Peter Parker as a character which is something Marvel has always done well with the SM comics. It avoided being Superman-y, which is a problem I found with the first one. Easy to see why this is the best-reviewed film of 2004 so far.

The focus on the role of the hero, a common theme in SM comics, played out wonderfully in this film. I thought the plot was so great they could have easily stretched the ideas in this film into two films, but it doesn't feel rushed. It's quite interesting that in George Bush's pre-emptive--strike, black & white, good & evil, with-us or against-us world it's an uncertain, pensive, and reluctant hero that audiences are flocking to see.

The only big complaint I have about this movie is the origin of Doctor Octopus. I have created arms that require me to wear them but also require artificial intelligence for some reason. Luckily I am protected by this glowing lightbulb on the back of my neck. What could possibly go wrong!? I'm not sure why they chose Doc Ock out of the plethora of SM villans anyway, but aside from the origin it played out very well. I had a couple other minor complaints, but I would spoil the plot if I mentioned them.

Great movie, and highly recommended. My two biggest complaints? How long I had to wait for SM2, and how long I'll have to wait for SM3. I want annual SM movies! Anyway, go see it!

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Happy birthday to you


Strong and Free

Happy Canada Day!